Predators Vs. Prey

a stupid furry hill i die on
the chemical in chocolate, is considered toxic, because its a stimulant, and because canines cannot break it down like humans can, if humans didn't break it down, it wouldn't be safe for us

however, its only one or 2 enzimes that break the compound down, wolves and such lack them, but humans do not

especially in tf cases, if they still have some human dna, i think its very unlikely these enzymes would be lost, as the genes would have to be destroyed, or suppressed, and although many animals including humans have a lot of suppressed genes, i see no reason that a hybrid, would have the genes suppressed, as there is no equilvent in the other species, and nothing to suggest it would conflict with any genes(a big thing with deciding what genes show up on a hybrid)

... although, jokingly, flareon lacks this, but doesn't notice do to their internal body temperature, and lucario also lacks it, and its toxic to them, but as a steel type they cannot take damage form poison
a stupid furry hill i die on
Omg he is dying! of opinions :O
... although, jokingly, flareon lacks this, but doesn't notice do to their internal body temperature, and lucario also lacks it, and its toxic to them, but as a steel type they cannot take damage form poison
That's an awesome pair of sona traits, I rattprove <3
the chemical in chocolate, is considered toxic, because its a stimulant, and because canines cannot break it down like humans can, if humans didn't break it down, it wouldn't be safe for us

however, its only one or 2 enzimes that break the compound down, wolves and such lack them, but humans do not

especially in tf cases, if they still have some human dna, i think its very unlikely these enzymes would be lost, as the genes would have to be destroyed, or suppressed, and although many animals including humans have a lot of suppressed genes, i see no reason that a hybrid, would have the genes suppressed, as there is no equilvent in the other species, and nothing to suggest it would conflict with any genes(a big thing with deciding what genes show up on a hybrid)
But what about FURRY ANIMAL TRAIT LORE? It is known to have a strong effect on genes :O
climbs onto your snoot and boops

And that's all for me today. I am a very sleepy rat

Good night :3

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