Would You Rather...

Uuuh a classic :D thanks fusionx!

As insane as it sounds: I'd go for the Lego!

Would you rather wear a "I ♡ Yiff" T-shirt in public or have your close relatives discover your yiff collection?
Most criminals are fairly dumb as it is, what's one more for the pile? The dumber they are the easier it is for them to be ruthlessly crushed under the heavy hand of justice!

Would you rather have two cupcakes now, or one cupcake a day for three days?
One cupcake a day for three days!

Giggles I can always multiply it with this MULTIPLY RAYGUN, hahaha!

Which means I can have cupcakes forever, at any time, anyways :P

Uhhh, would you rather have an extra limb or an extra organ?
Hmmmh~ I guess it depends on the Chili >w< I'd probably go with eating Chili the whole day and hope that the second option of being on the bathroom the whole day doesn't become a reality too!

WYR lose your sight or your hearing?
This is clearly blasphemous in the eyes of the holy yogurt religion, but I just like cheese better!

WYR listen to music you dislike all day or have a movie marathon of the worst movies ever!
What's a parther? I guess I'd take whichever one wasn't a blood relation?

Would you rather be the shortest serving prime minister / president in history due to things that weren't your fault, or the longest serving politician to be prosecuted for corruption?
Shortest serving; I'm not sure I'd be cut out for the stresses of public office.

WYR be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail, or mocked for an hour each day in the town square while locked in a pillory, every day for a year?
The latter! Maybe they will also throw rotten tomatoes at me, and then I can eat the tomatoes :3
Also the tarring sounds like it would really make a mess of my fur :O

Would you rather be put to work in the rat mines, or the cat mines?
The rat mines! Since it's far more fun to corrupt the minds of tiny cocky creatures like rats with hypno skunk scent... and it's fun to have tiny things do all the work for me, while I relax in a hammock.

Would you rather spend your vacations hanging on a hammock in the beach or the forest?
Definitely the beach, I don't really fancy being repeatedly stung by about 30 billion mosquitoes :O

At the beach, would you rather build a sand-castle or a sand-gas station?

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