I love recreating this car in different Need For Speed games. I always imagine it to be called "White Thunder", AKA an undercover cop I'd love to add in an expansion mod someday that adds sting events to races where one (or more) racers turn out to be undercover cops, and you have to either run from them or finish the event as they'd join into the pursuit as boss units. The entire mechanic would be introduced with White Thunder, which looks somewhat suspiciously like a Federal Cruiser turned into a street racer with a few custom tweaks. Of course, later on they'd end up turning on the player and other racers in a fated event as from then on they'd sometimes appear in pursuits in the same way Cross normally does (and could randomly appear alongside). In the mod, I'd disable rubberbanding, and White Thunder would be a ridiculously fast unit, faster than a standard Federal Cruiser due to the street racing performance mods it has. I keep recreating this car time and time again, and I pretty much do it whenever there's a Corvette C6 in a Need For Speed game.