NSFW The corrupted wish game, NSFW allowed

Granted. Bad news: your toes fall off due to frostbite. Good news: at least that takes care of the toe cheese from your previous wish.

I wish to know how to make a sexiness potion, so that I can be even more sexy.
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Granted! But the sexiness potion transforms you into the sexiest animal... a SKUNK!

Totally not biased! :P

I wish air conditioners worked without being restrained by the laws of physics, meaning you don't have to worry about the heat they produce or how to direct it out anymore :3
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I wish air conditioners worked without being restrained by the laws of physics, meaning you don't have to worry about the heat they produce or how to direct it out anymore :3
Er... you know that's basically going to accelerate entropy and bring about the heat-death of the universe that little bit quicker, right? Because heat = work, so destroying heat is effectively destroying work?

Oh well! Welcome to cool-ageddon everyone!

I wish for a beautiful necktie.
you know that's basically going to accelerate entropy and bring about the heat-death of the universe that little bit quicker, right?
Actually, yes! >:3

Ah what's that, a wish I heard? Snaps fingers Granted! It's the most beautiful necktie evah; and it's a LIVING necktie too, who would've thunk! Isn't that AMAZING? Well, except for the fact that you have to feed it everyday and take of it, and that it feeds on human meat

I wish, hmm let me think. Oh, yeah! I wish unadulterated fox musk was the most popular perfume scent in the world, also marketed as Eau d'Fox Funk
  • Haha
Reactions: metatherat
Okay, you can! Of course, you already could, as buildings are not very good at jumping, also you are a bunny.

I wish all animal themed superheroes acted like said animals from now on.
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Reactions: Bunny Lvr
Granted, you do! But as soon as you ride it, the pet rhino runs into the YE OLDE PRICELESS MING VASE SHOPPE :O

I wish for a stick of glue that is perfect for gluing together PRICELESS MING VASEs
Granted but the tent is super soggy, getting all the fireworks wet!

I wish for a law which states that littering receives the death sentence (by firing squard)
Granted! Dogs go extinct, since they are no longer permitted to litter any puppies. Also there is cat poo everywhere because no kitty litter.

I wish for a gaming room big enough to play VR games properly in.
  • Haha
Reactions: Mambi
Granted! Enjoy playing Virtual Raccoon games in this room perfectly fitted for raccoon activities (inside a zoo). We are not responsible for the user falling into the possible side effects including but not limited to: behave like a raccon, believe you're a raccoon, turning into a raccoon (wait, what?), rabies, etc.

I wish the "Oasis" from Ready Player One was real, but not owned by any greedy af giant company.

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