Transform the user above you into a (different?) species II: The transfuring

Yes >:3 I have you now Meta! Say hello to my scary exciting paw!

Outch D: no, please don't pat me on the back! Jesus that hurts!

Hmmh for this, I believe a more fitting prey would be~

Mmmyes~ now I can tease you for wearing a cute harness too ;D

pins you down with my big lion paw and scratches you with my scary claw teasingly

Who's been a todella tuhma rotta ;3?
Mmmyes~ now I can tease you for wearing a cute harness too ;D

pins you down with my big lion paw and scratches you with my scary claw teasingly

Who's been a todella tuhma rotta ;3?
Ehee. I have not been that naughty :3
....okay, yes I have. Even naughtier than that. I gnawed the cables, peed on the pillow and didn't vote in the latest elections :3
I deserve to be stroked with a giant scary cat paw for hours and hours :3
squeaks under your big scary paw
Outch D: no, please don't pat me on the back! Jesus that hurts!
Although we need to do something to those back problems, that does not look healthy at all :O

There we go! Not only are you a kitten with a perfectly functional back, but you have two brothers/sisters who can team up with you to pin me down and stroke me for hours. eeeeeee :3

(art by Rina Zeniuk)
Oh :O but now you're way to big! Hang on!


My my my Meta, you must've been the reason why politics have gone all crazy recently then ;3 very naughty indeed!

scratches your neck playfully yet dangerously close to cutting

Will you promise us kitty cats you'll be a good little rat and vote next time? We wouldn't want another vermin hating president, now would we? ;D

adds a little more pressure on the paw pinning
Will you promise us kitty cats you'll be a good little rat and vote next time? We wouldn't want another vermin hating president, now would we? ;D

adds a little more pressure on the paw pinning
No >:3
....alright, yes. The vermin-hating is too dangerous an issue to play around.
But I will also naughtily do this!
throws POTION

You are now a flower kitten (that way you can still pin me down with a scary cat paw. you know, if you want to... because I have been naughty.... and such.)
Your new sona traits are flower, and being totally spaced out, like whoa. It's crazy man :O
OwO centaurea jacea on k... k... kuk~
coughs up some knapweed

Oh~ little peacock spider.... mmhm or Skunk owo!
Skunk Skunk Skunk Skunk

OwO Flowers... plants, plants... Trees! Happy and Friendly Trees!

Petunia OwO Peeeeheeetunia exserta owo
But Buuuuun it was Aligator day D: now I'm just going to look silly now won't I?

I bet those silly tourists that never read the info sign next to my enclosure are to blame... gosh this makes me angry! >:|
Read my damn backstory you fools!
chomps on some tourists

Anyway while I'm eating tourists :3 you shall be!

The honourable Alligator! Look at you go :D
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peeks out of my otterly fabulous otter nest
slides into the water using an otter slide (a product by OTTER-CO)

What's this, an alligator day? Gohkohkoh, how otterly amusing :3
Then here is my contribution :3

You are now an alligator taxi! You bring human children to where they want to go. As a reward, you get delicious meats :3
Please note that the human children are not the delicious meats. Please refrain from eating the human children.
If only I were an otter so that I could use that absolutely fabulous-looking water slide =w= I guess I'll just have to settle for my....

Skate Skating GIF by mjkahn

But of course, not before I've finished carrying out my delicious fresh meat child-carrying duties
Girl Pet GIF

Here, Meta: a lovely cup of tea as thanks for turning me into such a formidable beast!
[slides you a little teacup that secretly contains a green anaconda transformation potion]
looks at my sssshopping list
slithers out of my anaconda nest

ohh, assss for youuuuu, sssssss, youu arehh nowww a

Lovelephant :3
You lose the scorpi tail, but you gain love! Right in the trunk. :3

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