Again, no scenario? Okay, I'll just answer to this one scenario that I won't tell :P

Do two back flips and a handstand


Anyway, your fursona sees a skunk do two back flips and a handstand... oh, and also gets peed on by a skunk. WWYFD.
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Reactions: metatherat
Meta would squeak indignantly. His scent! :O

Your fursona attends an indignant squeaking course at the local community college, but it is harder than they thought it would be. WWYFD :O
Meta would probably try wearing diapers on his feet :P

There is a new fad that all the cool people are doing: RAT TRANSFORMATION. WWYFD?
  • Haha
Reactions: Spilo
Spilo would create a newest fast that not only the cool people, but everyone else in the world, are now doing... SKUNK TRANSFORMATION!

Your fursona finds themselves turned into skunk after trying skunk transformation. What would your fursona do?
  • Wow
Reactions: metatherat
Meta would look up skunk behavior online, to know what to expect as a skunk :3

Suddenly, udders. Udders everywhere. WWYFD?
  • Haha
Reactions: Spilo

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