Would You Rather...

Hate to tell you this, but 'Banshee' comes from the Gaelic 'Bean Sidhe' which literally means 'Fairy Woman'. They're the same thing! In fact, the Banshee that you're thinking of is a corruption of an old Irish tradition that says certain Irish families were privileged because they were entitled to a fairy mourner at their funerals. The Banshee originally didn't predict death, she just mourned it.

Would you rather get your neck tie caught in a powerful extractor fan at work, or your tongue stuck to a frozen lamppost in a busy street?
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The fan sounds nice, I always have time for my fans. They can powerfully extract from places me any time! I pick the fan person :3

Would you rather eat some delicious Bean Sidhe or some tasty Chickpea Sidhe?
The fan sounds nice, I always have time for my fans. They can powerfully extract from places me any time! I pick the fan person :3
Watches the rat get instantly eviscerated by a fan Sigh... I'll bring the REFORMING ROCK

Lots of fans gather around the skunk and celebrate

Hmmm... eat with bean at my side or chickpea at my side? I'd say eat with each of them at either side of me! Heheheh!
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You didn't give the next WYR scenario, so I'll just make one :3

WYR stay by the side of a skunk that has eaten a lot of supernatural fairy beans and chickpeas, or near a skunk that has eaten a lot of ordinary beans and chickpeas?
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You didn't give the next WYR scenario, so I'll just make one :3

WYR stay by the side of a skunk that has eaten a lot of supernatural fairy beans and chickpeas, or near a skunk that has eaten a lot of ordinary beans and chickpeas?

Supernatural!!! The scent might come out all sparkly and rainbow coloured...and who knows what effects it could have when breathed in deeply!

Would you rather be transformed into a skunk for a day to spend with a fellow skunk, or have them transformed into your species for the day instead?
Would you rather be transformed into a skunk for a day to spend with a fellow skunk, or have them transformed into your species for the day instead?
looks up from latest issue of RAT TRANSFORMATION MONTHLY to look at vast piles of RAT TRANSFORMATION POTION scattered everywhere around me
ehe :3
Maybe the have them transformed into a rat thingy. Teehee :3

WYR get the ability to transform others into various animols, or the ability to transform yourself into various animols?
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If that’s human sized anthropomorphic animals, I’ll take ‘others’. I don’t particularly need to be one of those, but it sure would be nice to be able to turn all my furry friends into the animals they want to be. But if it’s ordinary animals, with intelligence intact of course, I’ll take myself. I’d rather enjoy being able to fly and go tiger at people I don’t like.

So… steak dinner, or lasagna?
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looks up from latest issue of RAT TRANSFORMATION MONTHLY to look at vast piles of RAT TRANSFORMATION POTION scattered everywhere around me
ehe :3
Maybe the have them transformed into a rat thingy. Teehee :3
Upon having the rat transformation potion spilled on, the nice skunk turns into... a SKUNK... but wait, not just a skunk, but also... 110% SKUNKIER... exuding SKUNKINESS... thanks to him being full of SKUNK TRANSFORMATION POTION, also acquired from the latest issue of RAT TRANSFORMATION MONTHLY (what? you thought it was gonna be skunk? :p athough I've heard they're slowly moving away from rats

Anyways, what the question again? :3 Looks around, seeing everyone turned into skunks thanks to the exuding skunkiness Heh, looks like I already have the ability to transform other animols, so I'll go with the second option!

WYD eat at a fancy restaurant or in the dumpster with a raccoon ?
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(oop, slow internet)

If that’s human sized anthropomorphic animals, I’ll take ‘others’. I don’t particularly need to be one of those, but it sure would be nice to be able to turn all my furry friends into the animals they want to be. But if it’s ordinary animals, with intelligence intact of course, I’ll take myself. I’d rather enjoy being able to fly and go tiger at people I don’t like.

So… steak dinner, or lasagna?
Lasagna! Especial from a dumpster w a raccoon! :D

WYR see in the dark or glow in the dark?
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Maybe next time I can take you to a place more akin to our species' charm and grace. Something special!

See in the dark! All the better to dodge the glowies.

Would you rather fly to the moon or sail down to the bottom of the ocean (and live)?
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But what would be the point of sailing to the bottom of the ocean and live? Mmmm

I would fly to the moon, of course! There I could establish a colony of skunks and skunkpals, so I wouldn't be so lonely. Then we could grow and grow, until the moon becomes Skunk Nation... then Skunk Planet... and from there, conquer the entire World and Galaxies!!

Ehem! Anyway...

WYD Eat pineapple pizza or a pizza pineapple as in:
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