Would You Rather...

Depends on the setting. You'd get very different powers if it was 'Baldur's Gate' compared to 'Paper Mario'. Probably the plumber. I don't like class-based games and tend to go for edge-lord options just to demonstrate how creatively restrictive it is to base a character on a played-out literary archetype.

Would you rather eat a mystery meat pie, or know that it's definitely made from guinea pigs since, hey, at least it's not puppies, right?
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Rodentpals noo :O
.......although they are dead already. And I am kind of curious.... ehe. I guess I'll take the guinea pig one. I am sure they would understand, rodents are very practical creatures :3

You have picked "plumber" as your character class. Next you need to select your pet. WYR pick "ice fox" or "baby dragon" as your pet?
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Baby Dragon. It’s cliche, but better than the alternative. Ice is a plumber’s arch enemy, busting pipes and whatnot. The Dragon on the other hand will make a decent blowtorch for welding broken pipes.

What would you rather meet, angels or aliens? Assume both are friendly.
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Hmm, meeting the Biblically accurate angels and not the boring human like angels sounds interesting! Maybe then I could ask them to help me travel throughout the universe to meet actual aliens, and befriend them as well!

WYR Have a really fast car or really fast feet?
Super fast feet! With the speed limits and traffic everywhere (and cars being kind of lame), I couldn't get anything out of that thing anyway.
Well except maybe on the German "Autobahn" :3 yaaaay all the deadly accidents!

WYR come back as a ghost to haunt those you spite, or as a pigeon to poop on those you spite?
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A ghost, I guess, especially if it was a 'Beetlejuice' type ghost. They can have a lot more fun than pigeons. Besides, if I were a pigeon I'd also have to put up with a lot of other nasty stuff, like being hit by cars, or chased by cats, or shot at by pest control. Also, ghosts get ectoplasm, so I could basically split the difference, come back as a ghost and ghost-poop on my enemies.

But honestly, I'm not a spiteful person in general. I'd rather come back as a ghost and help people.

What would you rather discover: alien life, or an Atlantis-style lost civilisation?
Alien life could be literally anything, from an advanced space travelling civilisation, to a human level civilisation, to disappointing microscopic life; and quite frankly, it's more probable that the more advanced alien life would discover me first than the chances of me finding them first, meaning that if I were to find alien life with current technology it would probably be the microbial kind. On the other hand, an Atlantis-style lost civilisation sounds way more intriguing, especially if it's something like Disney's Atlantis (underrated gem, btw). I mean, like, what if they have this technology? That would be hella cool!!
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Oh, and yeah, WYR learn an alien language (in case you made contact with a more advanced civilisation) or just use whatever translator machine they might have with them to understand us.
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Learn their language! I kind of doubt a universal translator could ever work as well as it does in Star Trek, and I don't want to cause a diplomatic incident with a mistranslation. On the other hand, learning an alien language would be a wonderfully exciting for a language nerd like myself, not to mention getting to see how universal the things we consider linguistic universals really are.

Would you rather go live on an alien planet for a year (assume sapient aliens), or have an alien that's coming to Earth for a year as your roommate?
Living on an alien planet sounds like there would be a lot of stuff that would be biologically incompatible with me, Meta the bat, and I dislike effort as well as starving to death and wearing exosuits.
So I'm gonna pick the alien roommate. I hope they are a cute space rodent, and that they do not emit any deadly radiation or require like 1000 atm to survive :3

Two aliens want to become your roommate. Do you pick the cute space bunny who breathes hydrogen and requires an exosuit to survive on Earth, or the cute space weasel whose space culture revolves around eating his roommate alive repeatedly?
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I live in the UK. There already is no Thanksgiving here. But yeah, I think on the whole I'd get rid of Thanksgiving, for the following reasons:
1) It will affect fewer people, since more people celebrate Christmas than Thanksgiving.
2) It seems kinda tasteless in this day and age to mythologise a friendly dinner and tutorial session between a bunch of religious zealot colonisers and the native people they'd later go on to persecute, displace and disenfranchise.
3) I'm really sick of hearing about it on American TV shows' special episodes.
4) Santa gave me a backhander to help him clear out the competition. We're coming for Hallowe'en next.

Would you rather swim with pirañas, or hide inside a piñata intended for the birthday party of a man known only as 'Loco Lopez'?
(Huh, it's interesting to see someone use the ñ to represent the gn or hn sound instead of downright writing things like "pina colada", "piranha", etc.)

Ah, anyway... I know Mexican birthday parties, I know what's in the piñatas, and yes I do love myself some sweet-sour/spicy candies 😋 So yes, I would hide inside the piñata, to eat all those delicious candies, and watch as everyone runs for their lives the moment they see a skunk drop from the piñata >:3

Would you rather accelerate Space Exploration or accelerate the field of Biotechnology?
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Biotech! As we all know, thanks to those wise guys at Sepultura, Biotech = Godzilla!
Besides, I'd rather fix the planet we have now before we go off in search of another one, and Biotech may be the best way to do that.
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Would you rather have a nice, modest-sized house, or the most awesome car / truck / motorbike in the world, given that you can only have one or the other? (If you already have a house and pick the vehicle, you lose the house and have to get a new place to stay. Vice versa also applies.)
I will miss my car. :<

Would you rather develop a new random and unknown food allergy of a random and unknown severity, or consolidate any and all of your bank accounts into a single fund randomized to be within positive & negative one million dollars?
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SPA WORKER!!! I can cook for myself just fine, but it's hard to give yourself a back(side) massage!!

Would you rather work 6 days a week at a job you tolerate at best paid double, or just 1 day a week at a job you enjoy but getting paid only that day but having freedom?
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You only get one life, as far as I know, and there is a ton of fun stuff to experience in life :O
...so absolutely and definitely the freedom thing. (In fact I already kind of do that, although I have a four day workweek, on the average)

Suppose that you are destined to be the personal spa worker of a mischievous cat who wants you to knead his backside a lot. Do you accept your fate and spend much of your life kneading the cat-butt, or would you rather try to do something else?
That's a bit of a weird one. I mean if it's destiny, presumably I won't have a choice. But I tell you what, when I'm kneading cat-butt, I'm going to do it the same way a cat does. There WILL be claws involved.

Would you rather have goose or turkey this Christmas, and would you rather eat it or pardon it and keep it as a pet?
If there's something I've learnt from the internet, people's expediences, and TV shows like Regular Show... is that geese are evil thunder noises so I'll of course eat the heck out of it. Turkey are overused, so mayyyybeee turkey can still join me for Christmas :3

This one's easy: WYR have Raspberry jam for this Holidays supper or Cranberry sauce that's 100% cranberry and has absolutely no traces of blood at all... nevermind that it was prepared by Mr. Count Dracula himself, how nice of him
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