It's fine, Peter Parker couldn't afford that on a junior photojournalist's salary anyway. Out comes a red Vespa with cheap spiderweb decals.

In goes Aunt May's Apple Pie.
Out comes a supervillain, let's say, uh, The Gibbon, who kidnaps Aunt May. Later, as Peter Parker enters and discovers Aunt May gone, the narration dramatically focuses on the forlorn apple pie, while Peter has a tearful moment of self-doubt. "Some hero I am."

I insert a psychiatrist's business card.
Out comes a distressed psychiatrist looking for a psychiatrist after examining the rat-mind in it's detail and wondering if life can ever be the same again.

I put in a crudely drawn doggo-psychiatrist-business card ^w^ I've got you psychiatrist-pal!

(PS: the answer to his ponderance is "No and that's a good thing!")
Wah... you're not a psychiatrist! You're @Bunny Lvr! Fortunately the machine supplies a box of the Emperor's New Condoms, so thin you can't see or feel or smell or taste them. Honest.

In goes my old smartphone.
Out comes Twilight Sparkle with a big bucket and shovel - she got rhubarb to grow!

In goes a bootleg Harry Potter anime movie, rated 18 for excessive blood and guts.

(Incidentally, butterflies WILL drink blood, if it's available. A corpse left derelict in the woods can be covered in them.)
Out comes fanfiction based on the bootleg movie, where Harry is in a homosexual relationship with Gamzee from Homestuck. And Fat Sonic. There is even more gore than there was in the bootleg movie.

I insert sona charts of all of us FurryPile regulars as MLP ponies.

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