puts in an unwashed sock I stole from someone and protected in my doggo bed for years
out comes a sizable laundry bill
the laundry bill turns out to be attached to the laundry pelican (nice sona idea) who has been using the vending machine as the headquarters of his laundry service

inserts eviction notice
  • Haha
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You receive a pie pelican. There appears to have been some kind of an error, possibly

Inserts a sona reference chart
inserts a bicycle
you get the bicycle which is now all mangled, with a dented soda can twisted around the handlebar

inserts the sona I have crappily drawn with the pen: a badass wolf who is the strongest in the universe and an orphan and he was experimented on in a laboratory and he is in a biker gang
inserts the sona I have crappily drawn with the pen: a badass wolf who is the strongest in the universe and an orphan and he was experimented on in a laboratory and he is in a biker gang
You get a sketch how to build a nuclear reactor cooled with the fur from Koala Bears

inserts a broken keyboard and mouse pad
i put in Mjolnir
You get Mjolnir back, but you fail to catch it and it destroys your wand of teleportation.
(....that was a nethack reference, ehe)

I insert a piece of paper that says 'please sir, may I have just a crumb of whatever this vending machine contains?'

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