You would get sued for defamation, but it's public domain so all you get is an angry letter from Disney telling you to "stop it >:U"

I think I'll insert a copy of Watership Down
out pops all of your primary school's exams you've had a bad mark on, reminding you of all the times you had to tell your parents about them

I insert a strain of Finns incredibly fluffy and cool looking hair :D
  • Haha
Reactions: metatherat
out pops all of your primary school's exams you've had a bad mark on, reminding you of all the times you had to tell your parents about them

I insert a strain of Finns incredibly fluffy and cool looking hair :D
(Awwwww not my exams 😫 and where did you even get my hair..?)

You get back a bottle of high-quality dog shampoo!

I insert my old marching band trumpet.
out comes heartwarming furry fanfiction of the stories

ooh! inserts a random newspaper article
Out comes the feeling of dread regarding societal collapse, crappy perfume ads where no one ever smiles and a coupon for your next purchase of a vacuum cleaner

I put in the cheap vacuum cleaner
  • Wow
Reactions: metatherat
Out comes the newest and insanely powerful vacuum machine ULTRAMAX VACUUM Mk. III, which immediately begins to suck your... Oh nooo... Cut it! Cut it! [REDACTED]

I insert an old piece of metal
The pawlice stop arresting me, and immediately jump out from the machine after you, when they realize your driver's licence is expired by 10 whopping years!

Phew! Thanks!

I insert a pen

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