NSFW The corrupted wish game, NSFW allowed

Granted! The PGA Tour is constantly interrupted by the media talking to the players' birdies.
"Well, first he hit me with a one wood, and that was nasty, but the 9 iron stung like hell and put me right in the sand trap!"
Albatrosses, Eagles, Bogies, Holes-in-One and real avians, meanwhile, remain uncommunicative.

I wish for a better microphone.
Granted! Now your microphone picks up even the smallest of sounds, making it super noisy! I will now continue to stand outside of your residence and shout: I've always wanted to be in one of your videos :D

I wish I already knew how to do all the sound mixing and didn't have to learn it all from scratch ^^;
Granted, but now the words hole and whole are the problem, making those moments in which you only wanted to be kinky by saying "Take my hole!", into awkward moments where you have to explain that you, in fact, didn't want to marry them!

I wish being furry would somehow automatically generate enough money to live comfortably.
Granted! Welcome to the zoo, your keeper will be Andre, please don't eat any children.
(Hey, I never said it would generate enough money for YOU to live comfortably, but Andre is doing fine!)

I wish furry zoos were an actual thing so I could visit one (without becoming an exhibit too, thankyaverymuch).
Granted! Unfortunately the zoo is very smelly. Also a furry starts humping your leg.

I wish the furry zoos would not mind a rat sneaking in and starting to live there without asking for permission. Om nom, all of the foods, for me, Meta :3
Granted! But unfortunately all the food you eat at the zoo tastes like beet to your rat-tastebuds for some reason, which then discourages you from stealing zoo food ever again.

Oh, and you get captured and turned into a exhibit too, so you get to taste beet for the rest of your life. All that, for cheating the system :P

I wish all the furry zoo animals had a plushie with 'em.
Granted! This being a zoo though, all toys have to be for the 'enrichment' of the animals' lives, so they're motorised, run around the enclosure and you have to catch them and tear them into pieces if you want any food.

I wish for a gladiatorial arena where people can go and fight each other for the entertainment of the crowd using fake foam weapons. Like the TV show, but anybody can take part.
Granted, but there quickly becomes a shortage of Styrofoam and to go containers are now made out of fine China which angers grandma because her fine China is now just take out containers

I wish I could be on the pile every day and not worry about having enough time
Granted, but that's because all of the people you know irl got transformed into rats somehow :O
and all of your other irl responsibilities and stuff also got transformed into rats :O

I wish I had a pile of rats to smell and play with :3
Granted! But the pile of rats was so smelly, they turned into skunks! And you too turned into skunk! :O

Though in hindsight, that isn't so bad. Enjoy the skunk pile! :3

I wish I was in the stink pile, I mean skunk pile, as well!
So that's where skunks come from! Unfortunately, adding one more skunk to the stink pile makes it cross the next putrescence threshold and the whole lot evolve into Pangolins. (Yes, pangolins are smellier than skunks!)

I wish for a non-smelly pangolin, because they are cute.
Granted! But around March and April ever year a flock of Youtubers show up to your house and relentlessly try to film you and your Pangolin for their "I went to see Japan's most beautiful season" video.

I wish I could hang out with an Armadillo girdled lizard <3 they're so cool.
Granted! But she turns out to be a regular lizard wearing a girdle made from an armadillo, which would be creepy enough if she weren't eyeing you as if she was also looking for a dogskin corset to go with it.

I wish for the world's most awesome fidget toy
Granted, but they are super slippery slippers and make you slip around all the time (hey, it could be fun :D .... Oh no watch out D: !)

I wish for the butt of a random Pile member! :3 To play percussions on of course; they're becoming more popular than drum machines.
Granted! But unfortunately, it's my bum!

So each time you play drums on my butt, farts come out of it, and maybe even spray!

Maybe you should consider wearing a gas mask next time you perfom... or not 😜

I wish @Wuff-Wuff had an amazing gas mask, to show off everytime he plays percussion on my butt... I dunno, sounds kinda Metal!

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