Out comes the finest of asian cuisine, fresh noodles and sauted vegetables in the most aromic sauce blend you ever smelled! Incredible...and rather remarkable for a simple vending machine? Peeking inside through an air vent, you see a tiny asian rat family in a miniturized kitchen cooking happily in their hidden space, as tubes send their work to the machine's front for enjoyment from others...

I insert a chopstick for them to use...
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Out comes a soon-to-be-viral video of feral rats trying to use chopsticks with their little rat-legs.

I insert a wide bowl, perfect for little feral rats to cook foods in and eat from :3
  • Haha
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Out comes a postcard from Bonanza City

I insert an idea, written on a piece of paper, for a TV series in which a bunch of baby-furs have to fend for themselves in an abandoned western town
Out comes a worried representative of the soft drink company, the new PUMA COLA ("Taste the puma!") line of vending machines are not doing well. Also he was just mauled by a puma.

I insert a request for a new product line of rat-themed cola :3
  • Haha
Reactions: Bunny Lvr
Unfortunately, everyone working at the product line was a rat, and they were so lazy that nothing came out of the machine!

Fortunately, you get the newest line of soda SKUNK COLA that makes you fart like a skunk!!

SKUNK COLA ("Fart like a skunk!")

I insert a can of SKUNK COLA

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