You get a lot of little hearts and sparkles projected out of your fuzzy body as you dreamily think of your furiends

I insert one of the emitted little wuff-hearts
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You get a group photo of all my favourite furrpals, with "I love them very much <3" written on the top.

I insert a clipped finger nail from one of your fingers that you use to Ratfingergun :3
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Out come a cluster of rat fingerguns. It turns out that a team of rat-burglars has broken into the vending machine.

I insert a ravenbar.
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Reactions: Wuff-Wuff
:D Out comes a crowbar... aww naw you already made that joke :( now I'm a rat burglar~ hmmh

Out come a bunch of drunken Ravens, obviously suffering from their excessive alcohol consumption, cursing "nevermore!"

I put in a broken window.
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Out comes a Microsoft fanboy who starts defending the broken window, despite the fact that it is undeniably broken

I put in a Windows 7 installation DVD.
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Reactions: Wuff-Wuff
Out comes the blue screen of death, because McAfee somehow came preinstalled with it and can't handle the damn drivers, for god sake, I didn't even ask for you McAfee D:< and now I have to boot up into safe mode just to deinstall you, why is an anti-virus software the biggest malware here?


I put in an external DVD-player
You receive a lot of vitamin C and some iron, calcium, vitamin B6 and magnesium.

I insert the first release of "Donald Duck" pocket books
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Reactions: metatherat
You get accused of industrial espionage.

I insert the Open Access RAT TRANSFORMATION POTION recipe :3
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